Deploying Azure Storage with Bicep and GitHub Actions (part 1)

In this blog post, it is shown how to deploy an Azure Storage account using Bicep, a declarative language for describing and deploying Azure resources, and GitHub Actions, a CI/CD solution that’s directly integrated into GitHub. The Bicep File Our Bicep file, main.bicep, starts by defining a few parameters: The Bicep file then defines a … Read more

[Azure] Azure Cloudshell cheat sheet

Azure Cloudshell cheat sheet

AIX Azure Cloudshell cheat sheet Azure Cheatsheet ( List VMs + Public Ips and access with ssh (after that az login and aks get-credentials) Goto Azure Cloudshell and get ip of the box. 0. Set default subscription if not correct (check with ‘az account list’ to see where “isDefault”: true,) azureuser@jumpboxvm:~$ az account set –subscription … Read more